Crochet sheep sheep...meh...meh...

这是为了2015羊年而做的羊儿,希望今年,年头红到年尾('▽'〃) 事事如意。为这花了一个礼拜也值得(*^^*)讨个好意头\^o^/

Crochet Western and Chinese fusion wedding doll (中西合璧)

To lovely S & G, hope they like it 

Crochet Bookmark

First time making bookmark, here is the result: Mr. Mario Bookmark

Crochet Wedding Bear

Cute Wed Bear Bear to Yu chin and Eward: 

Crochet Modern Malay Wedding

The new modern malay wedding is here with their best friend, the pink lady

Pink lady wish that her prince will come soon and stay happy together just like her best friends.

Crochet Christmas Amigurumi

Merry Christmas from the Snowman to all of you. Ho Ho Ho.....

Gigantic Amigurumi

Giant Turtle:

Giant Heart:

Giant Star: